"On the other side of the said island, toward the south, there are some other races, who navigate by the [Southern Cross and] beyond the said island the day does not last more than four hours, and that there it was colder than any other part of the world."
Ludivoci Barthema, 1508.

The Phoenicians c 666BC
The early Phoenician navigators, Africa, Necho, America, Brazil, coin map, rock carvings at Tauhara

Mauryans c 240BC
Rats, "Nature", Richard Holdaway, Mauryan Empire, Ashoka

Ptolemaic Greeks c 180BC
Ptolemy map, Taprobana, Australia, Bona Fortuna

The Celts c300
Govt suppression? Stonehenge, burial sites, caves, stone houses, Celts, Scotland, Waipoua Forest, Puniho Stone, Taine Ruaridh Mhor,Rory and Ruaridh

The Arabs c 790
Sheemoah, moa, Al-Idrisi, Sinbad, Jaubert, Hamilton, Museum of NZ, Abharah, Valley of Serpents, rocs,NZ eagle, Tamahere, stonebird,Korotangi, Sulawesi, Java, Al-Rishid, Varthema, aborigines, Aotea Harbour,Pakoka, Waitomo, dhow, Mt Tuahara

Waitaha c 850
Sutton, Ruka, Rangimarie Te Maiharoa, Maeroero, Pouto Ki Rongo Maraeroa, Barry Brailsford, Wallace Black Elk, Easter Island, Kaimanawa , Maui, Kiwa, Hotu Matua, Matua, Urukehu, Kiritea

Tamils c 1170
William Colenso, Northland, Tamil Bell, Mukiayaten, Tamil, Chola, Bishop of Dornakal, Doctor Rasanathan, Al-Idrisi, Dausset Team World Survey, Taupo, cremation

Zheng He 15thc
Chinese explorers

The Portugese 1522
Early European maps, Terra Australis, Descelier, the Dauphin map, Antartica, Great Java, Queensland, NZ East Coast, Mendonça, Magellan, Eanes, mahogany wreck, du Fresne, Bay of Islands, Auckland, Waitaki River, Takiroa, Duntroon rock drawing, le Testu, La Joncade

The Spanish 1576
Wellington Harbour, Spanish helmet, Tower of London, Museum of NZ, DSIR, Fernandez, Cook, Tairooa, Amanu, Concepcion, Easter Island, de Solis, Mercador,Cortez, Arias Memorial

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Credits: "Pre-Tasman Explorers" Ross Wiseman and other diverse public-domain Web resources


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